Monday, November 12, 2007

Daytona Beach, FL 2007

We headed to Daytona Beach this weekend for our association meeting. John was asked to preach Sabbath morning. He did a really good job and even had visual aides, a chocolate chip cookie. It was hilarious.
I took Xavier out to the beach near our hotel. He had a great time playing in the sand and water. The weather was so nice and warm.

We got the chance to meet up with some old friends, John Mark and Cathy Camenga. They had triplets back in July. John and I got to play with one of them, Eve. She was always up when we were hanging out. The other 2, Cate and Jonah, like to sleep. :) I loved getting to hold her and even Xavier liked the babies. He was singing them songs and rubbing their arms. He wanted to hold Eve really bad, but I wasn't too sure about that. I didn't get the camera out, mainly b/c I was holding the baby. :)

1 comment:

Micah Preston said...

love the picture with the sunlight making a shadow. how precious. where's the family pic of you all in your swimmies? hehe