Saturday, March 14, 2009

International Night

My beautiful children in the Virgin Islands. Maybe one day we will actually go there. :)

Eating some pizza in Italy.

Chilling with Ms. Matsui in Italy.

John and Addie back in Monaco.

Addison liked Trinidad. or maybe she just liked this rocking chair. I am not sure.

Xavier and Anahita in Trinidad. And yes, Xavier danced again this year in Trinidad. (If you don't know what I am talking about, check out last years post. He says he can only dance in Trinidad. This year I got video.)

Tammy, me, and Addison on safari in Kenya.

Going on safari in Kenya.

Xavier loved the beach in Barbados.

Addison was not impressed by the beach in Barbados.

Addison and Senora Andrea in Barbados.

The kids in Australia.

Xavier eating, again. You would have thought the kid was starved, he had to eat every place we went.

Addison outside the Virgin Islands. She and Xavier had t-shirts from the Virgin Islands, so they dressed like lil beach tourists.

My son gambling in Monaco. (He didn't win)

Last night was International Night at my school. My class represented Monaco. It was awesome. We had some terrific food and a roulette table. The room looked amazing.
Xavier's class represented the Virgin Islands. He loved his country. He loved all the countries. It was a really great night.

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