Friday, December 25, 2009

December Fun and Year in Review!

Things have been pretty busy around the Pethtel household this month. There have been many activities each evening, leaving us all a little tired and stressed. This past week we did get some much needed rest and family time.
Xavier and I are both out of school for 2 weeks. I have to be back on January 4 for a teacher workday and Xavier officially starts on the 5th.

One of my parents gave me tickets to the GA Aquarium for Christmas. It was awesome because we could take the whole family, even Alexis! We had a great time and then finished the day with dinner at Spaghetti Warehouse.
The next day saw me and the kids plus Grandma heading to Lawrenceville, GA (an hour drive one way) in order to go to the Lego store. It's a long story as to why, but the traffic was a nightmare and it took us 2hrs to get there due to a horrific accident closing down the highway. Luckily it is a big mall with lots to do and look at. We wasted 2 hours there and then headed back home.
(I have posted pictures of that day as well as ones from the aquarium)

This month Xavier has accomplished a great deal of things. He is a member of his school's honor society. Each teacher in kindergarten gets to nominate 2 students each month for outstanding work and behavior. Xavier has been nominated every month since school began and is now a member of their honor society. John and I are very proud of him. Of course, he doesn't think much about it and was like "oh that's cool."
He has also completed his first book for Awana SPARKS. It took him 4 months. There is a review offered and extra credit before moving on to the 2nd book. He of course wants to do this so he can have all the patches on his vest. Who am I to argue with what motivates him to learn God's word. His teacher says he will be done in no time and they will get him started on his second book before the end of the school year. I think he has an overachiever spirit like me inside him.

Addison and I started attending a music class on Monday nights. It is for children aged birth to 4yrs. Our particular class has children from 10 months to 2 yrs old. Addison is having the best time and so am I. We go to the 4:30p.m. class which is wonderful since I have to work during the day. We get to play with instruments, scarves, and run around doing different movements. It has been a real blessing to do this with her.
She continues to take a toddler gymnastics class at my school on Friday afternoons. Her teacher, Ms. Katie says she has made a lot of progress and will even attempt most of the activities now. (Addie takes awhile to warm up to new situations and people)
She also attends a story hour at the Marietta City Library on Wednesdays with Grandma and cousin Lexie. At church she has her very own Sabbath school class with Ms. Debbie and loves it. She made a baby Jesus a few weeks ago and carries it around church in his manager, very proudly.

John continues to work at Sears and the church. It is nice that we get to see more of him since he went back to sales. We have even started having a regular date night every Tuesday . If he gets Wednesdays off, we even get to attend bible study together at The Journey, our other church family.

As for me I continue to work at CBMS. It has been a difficult year and the school has made a great deal of changes. My classroom flooded back in September and when we get back to school, I will be getting the flooding problem addressed and some new flooring and carpeting as well. I think that will give the classroom a little extra boost. As far as next year goes, I really don't know if I will be teaching or not. We are concerned that there may not be a position for me in the Fall and have begun to look at our options if that where to be the case.

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