Sunday, September 12, 2010

Dance Anyone?

Strike a Pose! Vogue!

(This makes me laugh so much, it was totally spontaneous on both their parts.) Glad I had the camera all ready to go.

The only picture I could get of them dancing. I LOVE how they are dancing together.

Xavier and Kayla! (She is a cutie)

Sponge Bob! (personally, I do NOT like this show.)

Addison at the dance. See how happy she is?

Bowling on the Touch.

Mr. Kevin had an ipod Touch.

Hanging out before church.

Munching on strawberries!

Xavier's school had a dance Friday night and he just HAD to go. Mr. Kevin from WI was in town as well for Sabbath Recorder meetings at our church. He and John went out for dinner while I took the kids to the dance. They missed a lot of fun. John would have had a blast dancing to some of the songs.
Xavier found his friend, Kayla, at the dance. She sits at the same table as him in class. So, let's just say that my son is going to be trouble when he is older. Not only did he spend most of the night hanging with Kayla, but at least 3 other girls too. It was super cute.

The dance was a lot of fun. They had Sponge Bob show up and dance with the kids and parents and teachers were out on the floor dancing the night away. For the most part a lot of kids were running, but mine were dancing. Addison had a ball as well.

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