Monday, August 31, 2009

7 Reasons Why My 7 Years with Tabatha Have Been the Best

Anyone who knows me knows that I have never been the "perfect" man. My wife can reiterate the fact that I am not the "perfect" husband but there is a huge difference between year 1 of our marriage and year 7. I just want to share with you (Tabatha, and our audience in blog land) 7 reasons (however, there are plenty more) why, in my eyes, you are who God has sent to share life with me.

1. A-Addison. We fought over this for a while. You had been ready for another child for a while and I was perfectly content with Xavier. I am so glad that we decided to make our family bigger with the girlie. She loves her mommy and if she grows up to be just like her I will be pleased.

2. B-the Boy. Xavier has been a blessing beyond a blessing. He is amazing in every way and even though it took his physical arrival for me to even begin to realize that he was sent to help me be the father that my dad never was I have never been upset one single day he made us a family.

3. C-Courage. It takes courage to marry a guy like me. I have been a "momma's boy" unashamedly for so many years. I shared my calling to ministry with you. We have moved across the country twice now and it probably won't be our last time. You amaze me with your courage in our life situations.

4. D-Duty. You use this line a lot lately. You do the things you are supposed to do because it is your "duty". I wish that I could punch the clock at work or help you around the house or do the things that I don't want to do with the same attitude in which you do your "duty". You are the cog that makes our family work. You are the one who wakes up at night with the kids. You are the one who goes to the doctor. You are the one who always makes sure there is dinner. I need to learn my "duty".

5. E-Exceptional. They don't have a handbook for being a "good" wife or mother. You have somehow seemed to know how to do it. Whether it is a maternal "instinct" or just what you know you should do. You have been the best wife and mother that I could possibly know. Your children love you so much and I love you as well. We are blessed to have you in our lives.

6. F-Family. You were with me when my parents passed. You know how much it messed me up inside. You put up with my crying and pain. You comforted me when no one else could/would. You love me in spite of the bad habits that I have picked up. You have encouraged me to make our family a priority. You have reminded me that God has called to be a pastor in my own house first.

7. G-Grace. The grace that you have shown me over the last 7 years is truly a reminder of the grace that God has shown me and our family over those 7 years as well. Without your grace, our marriage might not have made it 7 years. I love you for every ounce you have shown. You have taught me a lot here.

With others as my witnesses, I will strive to show you more Grace, to put the Family before self, to be an Exceptional father and husband, to meet my Duty on a more consistent basis, to realize the Change that we make is scary at every step, to Bear more burdens of our family's life, and to Always cherish you.
I love you Tabatha.
Happy Anniversary!

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