Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Baby #2

Yes, it is true. We are expecting a second child. We are currently 9 weeks along with a due date of January 18th. John and I are both very excited and happy. Xavier is thrilled as well. He can't wait to be a big brother and has told us he wants a baby brother. I went today for the first ultrasound. As you can see the baby's not that big. We will find out the gender in September. I will post the news when we find out.
As for me, I am feeling fine. Just some nausea and tiredness, but that is all normal.

1 comment:

kjtwiddy said...

Hey, now that you'll be in the South, you won't have to worry about delivering at home because of a raging snowstorm! Just kidding...maybe it'll be an ice storm instead. Seriously though, congratulations! Like the pictures.