Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Dynamic Duo, Poopers and Peepers

John has always called Xavier Peepers. I don't know how it got started, but it stuck. Now that we have Addison, John tried calling her Peepette, but it just isn't sticking. We tried to think of a nickname for her and we came up with Poopers. It is because she poops so many diapers. I am sure she will hate us for this name later, but it is so cute right now.
So, Xavier came up with a little game they could "play" together. Together they are superheros that chase down the bad guys. Addison will "poop" on them and Xavier "pees" on them. I know, I know, gross, but it makes him laugh and she grins from ear to ear when she gets to "play" with him. Besides, he's a boy, this is what they do and when she gets older she will probably want to play with dolls while he is making mud pies out back. So, I say let them have their fun now. :)

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